
9 Best Swing Trading Bots

Fortunately, the Internet is rife with swing trading bots that can guide you in the proper direction. Swing trading robots allow you to capitalize at the right moment. The easiest way to invest your money and start making money is to employ one of the finest swing trading bots we have compiled for you. Learn about the top 8 swing trading robots in this quick summary.

What Is Swing Trading in Cryptocurrency?

  • A swing trade is a short-term investment intended to generate a profit. It utilizes price changes on varying periods, remarkably in the short to medium term. The theory behind this approach is that price “swings” may be exploited to generate substantial gains.
  • Cryptocurrency traders attempt to profit from two distinct price fluctuations:
  • As the name implies, a “swing high” occurs when the market reaches its highest point and begins declining. It’s the ideal scenario for a short trade to occur.
  • “Swing lows” are periods of market weakness followed by recovery. Again, a long trade is the best option here.
  • Cryptocurrency swing trading has been proven to be effective across all moving markets. Forex, equities, and digital currency are all examples. Technical analysis is a must for successful crypto swing traders when analyzing charts in shorter to medium-term periods. Daily and weekly patterns may be seen with this method’s aid.

What are Swing Trading Bots?

  • Swing Trading Bots are online, robotic programs that may be used to do routine activities. Moreover, a few robots may serve as swing trading indicators and guide you toward a wise decision. More so, they are more effective than humans in doing these things. These automatons’ AI is trained to function within a set of constraints.
  • If you use a trading bot, you will get all the profitable prospects. This is because the bots work nonstop, 24/7/365.
9 Best Swing Trading Bots

1. Pionex: Exchange with In-Build Trading Bots

When it comes to buying and selling digital currency, Pionex is a fantastic option because of the trading bots included. By using these automated bots, your investing plan may run without your continual attention, saving you time and effort. In addition, high-volume, on-the-go traders universally like Pionex.

Dionex pioneered grid trading in cryptocurrencies.

  • Among its many features is that its patrons may utilize no fewer than 16 different trading bots at no extra cost.
  • The platform has excellent mobile support and inexpensive trading fees.
  • The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has issued it an MSB license, meaning it is an authorized money services business.
  • Regarding trading, the Pionex app is straightforward to use. Simple, frequently used commands and helpful documentation are also readily available.
<strong>9 Best Swing Trading Bots</strong> 2 forex crypto

2. 3 Commands: Ultimate Swing Trading Bots

For those who prefer to let their computers do cryptocurrency trading for them, 3Commas provides a convenient online platform. Those who need formal training in finance or stock market expertise tend to like it.


  •  The platform’s web-hosted nature means it may be accessed from any electronic gadget.
  • Trading bots in 3comma smart trade vary by strategy. Moreover, individual trading positions may further personalize these for each user.
  • Bots may be programmed to run for a certain number of hours each day or continuously around the clock.
  • The 3 Commas API’s stop-loss function triggers an instant sale of the asset if the user-specified loss threshold is exceeded.
<strong>9 Best Swing Trading Bots</strong> 3 forex crypto

3. Shrimpy: Social Trading

Trades made on Shrimpy.io are both secure and speedy. It allows users to automate trading in digital currencies and generates trading strategies. In addition, the platform is quite effective and has some exciting extras to offer. Shrimpy’s cheap fees make it simple to sign up and start using the bot to manage your finances. Please read our article on shrimp to find out more.

  • The platform’s features include access to the sixteen most prominent bitcoin trading venues.
  • It works with various cryptocurrencies, making creating a bespoke index fund accessible.
  • It has an engaging UI, innovative functions, and fast assistance.
  • Using its services, you may safely store API keys for use in bitcoin apps as you develop new ones.
<strong>9 Best Swing Trading Bots</strong> 4 forex crypto

4. Cryptohopper: Trading Strategies and Bots

To make the most of trading chances and streamline the process, Cryptohopper is an excellent bot for swing trading cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, the Cryptohopper setting allows them to increase their income while decreasing their risks.

Cryptohopper provides traders with a user-friendly and feature-rich solution to facilitate the trading of numerous cryptocurrencies.

  • The Crytohopper interface has several features that make it useful for novice and seasoned cryptocurrency traders.
  • Since this bot’s services are housed entirely in the cloud, it may be accessed at any time.
  • To put it simply, the bot never sleeps. More so, it automatically updates without preventing you from trading or freezing your account.
  • The platform will continue operating even if your internet connection is down.
  • Binance, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Coinbase Pro, Cryptopia, Huobi, Kraken, Kucoin, and Poloniex are just some of the exchanges that work with the platform.
<strong>9 Best Swing Trading Bots</strong> 5 forex crypto

5. Coinrule: Make your own trading bot.

The Coinrule bot is a fantastic swing trading bot with flexible rule-making capabilities. To aid its users in becoming more proficient cryptocurrency traders, the Coinrule app provides various subscription tiers tailored to the needs of different types of customers. In addition, there is a wide variety of predetermined trading techniques available in Coinrule.

  • More than 150 customizable trade templates are available inside the Coinrule app.
  • Moreover, the prepared templates are automatically implemented when the market circumstances fit the stated criteria.
  • Paper trading and backtesting are now possible for novice crypto traders thanks to Coinrule. This will allow them to see how well their plans are working.
  • The system employs a cutting-edge security infrastructure to protect your financial and personal data.
<strong>9 Best Swing Trading Bots</strong> 6 forex crypto

6. ProfitFarmers

ProfitFarmers’ semi-automated swing trading platform provides copy trading, high win-rate indications, and other cutting-edge tools. You choose a signal, input your desired investment amount, and the platform automatically executes your trades.

The platform includes signals, trading tools, and even high-tech terminals, making it much more than a simple swing trading bot. There is nothing else quite like ProfitFarmers on this list.

Picture yourself always having a navigator at your side whenever you engage in a swing trade. Imagine now if your copilot can spot profitable deals, provide you with a complete trading strategy, execute the transaction, and keep an eye on it while you focus on other things. Of course, it will immediately get out of the deal if things go south. But, on the other hand, if things go smoothly, you may lock in a profit by raising your stop-loss.

You may avoid spending all day in front of a computer and save a ton of time by using this method to make profitable trades without resorting to technical analysis. Instead, you have the option of living a regular life.

Laddering Mode: Step into transactions at the best possible price.

Keep your funds safe when you’re away from the computer with Trade Guardian. When a deal deviates from the predetermined strategy, Trade Guardian closes it immediately.

automatically adjusts your stop-loss when your trades reach their profit goals, also known as a “Break-Even Stop-Loss.”

In this state-of-the-art trading terminal, you can silence your inner broker and take command.

Confidentiality and a Promise of a Refund: You may get your money back if they don’t have a 60% success rate in the first 30 days.

<strong>9 Best Swing Trading Bots</strong> 7 forex crypto

7. Trality

Trality is an excellent tool for novice and experienced crypto traders to create swing trading bots. It simplifies the process of creating sophisticated and original computer programs. In addition, the infrastructure is built to help you learn and grow as a trader through the efforts of the community at large.

To learn more, check out our comprehensive review of Trality.

  • The app’s features include a free bot service and premium upgrades. The critical distinction is the maximum number of concurrent bots.
  • Post your bot on the Trality Marketplace and start collecting rent from other users immediately.
  • You may utilize the bot with Binance, Bitpanda, Kraken, and Coinbase, among others. What’s even better? The items on this list keep growing.
  • You may be sure your money is secure on your exchange since Trality does not have access.
  • Complete encryption ensures that no one but you has access to your trade secrets at any time.
<strong>9 Best Swing Trading Bots</strong> 8 forex crypto


Optimal earnings may be made with swing trading tactics. These bots are all you need to quickly and effortlessly make money with cryptocurrency. For your convenience, we have gathered a list of the top swing trading bots on the market today. Look at all the options and choose the one that best fits your requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

How successful are automated swing trading systems?

There are a plethora of automated swing trading solutions to choose from. They facilitate users’ ability to generate earnings with little effort, but they make no promises on how consistently those profits will be generated. There are still highs and lows in the market. The bots only inform users about the optimal times to make investments or withdraw money.

As an investor, why should you consider using a swing trading bot?

When traders aren’t online, they often miss out on lucrative possibilities. These bots are helpful because they let users make the most of every opportunity.

Exactly what features should you look for in the Best Swing Trading Robot?

The top 10 swing trading robots are included in this article. You can pick and choose from several bots until you locate one that meets all your needs.

If you were to ask, “Where is Pionex located?”

Pines is a controlled exchange in Singapore that provides many trading bot options.

How dependable is Pionex as a company?

There is no denying that Pionex is genuine and unrivaled in its cryptocurrency investing and trading procedures.

Can we trust Cryptohopper?

Indeed, Cryptohopper looks to be a reliable trading bot, and it is not a scam. From what we’ve gathered, this robot is legit (it makes trades for you), simple, and easy to operate. Moreover, we have verified that all their affiliated brokers are effectively managed.

How secure is 3 Commas?

Three Commas is secure, and the platform for exchanging tokens is adequately secured. There is also a well-defined policy for safeguarding user information.

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